Sometimes our Sunni fellows get surprised when Shias use alyislam with the names of Ahlalbait. We want to show them from Bukhari that Bukhari used alyislam with the names of Ahlalbait.
Unfortunately, those people who translate Bukhari from Arabic to different languages, they cannot digest it. They do not write alyislam with the names of Ahlalbait. There are many examples from Bukhari, but we are giving one example here.
Bukhari chapter Khumus 57, Hadith number 2, and English translation: Vol. 4, Book 53, Hadith 325, Bukhari used ALAYHI SALAM with name of Lady Fatima (as).
Another example from Bukhari in the same chapter 57, hadith number 1, the hadith prior to above hadith, Bukhari used ALAYHI SALAM with names of Imam Ali bin Hussein, Imam Hussein and with the name of Imam Ali.