Please read the narration in Bukhari which says that The Holy Prophet wanted to build Ka'aba its original place but he has fear that people ( some of his companions ) will oppose him.
We want to show this narration here to our Sunni fellows who believe anybody who become Muslim in front of The Holy Prophet, he got the status of Companionship, he become righteous and 100 percent follower of The Prophet. There is no chance that he can disobey The Holy Prophet.
Please read the narartion which says " The wife of the Prophet) Allah's Messenger said (to her). "Don't you see that when your folk built the Ka`ba, they did not build it on all the foundations built by Abraham?" I said, "O Allah's Messenge! Why don't we rebuild it on the foundations of Abraham?" He said. "But for the fact that your folk have recently given up infidelity (I would have done so)".