Narration about Madina in Sahih Muslim

Narration about Madina in sahih Muslim

This is well proven reality among Shia  and Sunni Muslims that Yazid bin Moawiya allowed his army for three days that they can do whatever they want to do, in result so much destruction was made in MedinaThere was so much bloodshed, women were raped and horses were brought inside the Holy Mosque of the Prophet in Medina 

This is also interesting thing that some Sunni fellows acknowledge that Yazid bin Moawiya is responsible for the killing of Imam Hussain in Karbala and humiliation of the children of Holy Prophet. But those Sunni fellows are madder at Yazid because he disrespected Mecca and Medina. It shows that they give importance to these places more than Imam Hussain and the blood of Holy Prophet (pbuh)

We end this page with the hadith of Holy Prophet from Tarimdhi chapter virtues of Imam Hussain (as). Imam Tarimdhi graded it as HASAN HADITH.

"Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain. Allah loves that person who loves Hussain."