The Holy Prophet didn't show his goodwill about Moawiya حضور کی معاویہ بن ابو سفیان کے لئے بد دعا کہ اسکا پیٹ کبھی نہ بھرے

Narration about Moawiya bin Abu Sufyan in Sahih Muslim

اردو میں صحیح مسلم کے مترجم مولانا وحیدالزمان صاحب نے حاشیہ میں تصدیق فرمادی کی کہ دراصل حضورپاک کی معاویہ کے لئے بد دعا ہی تھی اور یہ کہ جب امام نسائی نے جب یہ حدیث معاویہ کے لئے پڑھی تو لوگوں نے امام نسائی پر حملہ کردیا ، امام نسائی اسی حملے کی تاب نہ لا کر اس دنیا سے رخصت ہوےاور انکو یہ حدیث سنانا بہت مہنگی پڑی

This narration tells us that the Prophet wanted to talk to Moawiya but he kept on eating and eating, then the holy Prophet said about Moawiya "may Allah not fill his belly".

In Arabic culture when these words are used  in such scenario, are considered cursive words, which are against that person, especially these words are used by the Prophet for someone.

We have also posted the screen shot of Sahih Muslim in Urdu language. Molana Wahid ul Zaman wrote in his comments that these are cursive words ,it was important for Moawiya accroding to the Holy Quran to reponced immediately.

Molana Wahid ul Zaman also testified that when Imam Nassaie mentioned such Hadith among crowd filled with the followers of Moawiya. They attacked on Imam Nassie. The Sunni Imam of hadith Imam Nassie could not survive in result of that attack and gave his life!
